4 Mistakes to Keep You From Making Money With Your Blog

Blog posts have to be done on a consistent basis. Blogs are the most powerful tool for driving traffic to your site. In order for this to work correctly you must post relevant useful posts on a regular basis. When you make regular posts this shows the search engines you have updated content and something new to share with the internet community, thus raising your search engine rankings.

Blog posts need to be unique and niche related for ultimate impact. The articles you post on your blog have to relate to your chosen niche otherwise your visitors will not return. You should strive to figure out the problems in your niche and solve them with your products and blog posts.

When you make blog posts insure that you are using relevant keywords or tags to optimize your search engine ranking.

If you want to make money from your blog you must monetize it correctly. Add you affiliate products or your own products to the sidebar and strategically insert the links into your posts.

You can also add Google AdSense to your sidebar and even place inserts in and between your posts.

Allow guest bloggers to make approved posts, this increases your blog posts and gives visitors a reason to return. When you do this you are increasing your popularity and giving a very unique variety to your blog by displaying many different writing styles.

Making money with your blog is not difficult however you must be consistent and unique with your posts and advertising.

Byron Smith is an internet marketer dedicated to assisting other marketers with free and low cost marketing resources. Get free web resources, post a free classified ad, submit your articles, join our business directory, advertising that works, sign up for our 2010 giveaway of marketing products. Please visit http://www.freemarketingtoolsandtips.com.