Any newcomer to Internet Marketing is looking to generate revenues as quickly as possibly. Probably the quickest and easiest way to make money on-line is via highly targeted niche marketing. For the newcomer this is a very important tool that should not be overlooked. You do have to do your research to find that profitable niche, but once you find them you open the flood gates to solid revenues. To begin in niche marketing, most newcomers (and experienced marketers) use an affiliate product to promote, but once you have found your niche product or products, how do you market them?
There are many ways to promote affiliate products, however being an authoritative figure in your niche certainly helps. How do you become this authoritative figure? The easiest and most effective way to this is to build a review site and do a full comparative review of the product you are looking to promote. People are generally lazy and do not want to spend the time investigating the market and the products within the market. If you can carry out the research for them you will be seen as an authority and people will look to take your advice and to buy from you.
It is best to have used the product you are promoting so that you can give a review from experience. You want to be confident in the product you are promoting as it is your integrity and your name that you are putting on the line. It takes a long time to build your reputation, it only takes one bad product to completely destroy it. The way to look at this is if you would be happy to promote the product to a family member or a close friend. There is no escape, if the product does not live up to your review your family and friends will soon let you know.
To write the comparison article for your website (or blog, you do not always need a website) write for an internet user. That may seem strange, but the internet tends to be a short attention area and you need to keep your reader interested, it is too easy for them to move onto another website or another review site. For the internet you need to break up long paragraphs, keep sentences short and make it informative and interesting for your readers.
The article should only be around 3 paragraphs long and each paragraph should contain around four sentences. If you have images of the product then add them to your blog or website. It is worth embedding your affiliate code in the image so that if a reader clicks on the image they will be taken straight to the sales page from your affiliate code. If you are trying to build a list then you should ensure that they are sent to your squeeze page first so that you can capture their name and email details before forwarding them to the product sales page.
Your review should point out the benefits of the product but should include any issues that you have had in using the product. If these issues are major then you should reconsider the product you are going to promote. Readers will be skeptical if all you promote are the good points and do not point out any issues. At the end of the review, build your conclusion showing the good and bad of all the products and giving your recommended product from your testing.
Please remember to include your affiliate link to your chosen product in the article, you do not want your reader agreeing with your conclusion and then going elsewhere and buying from another affiliate when you have done the hard work.
The author has spent over 25 years working in Corporate IT. He now works from home running a number of internet marketing businesses and coaching and developing newcomers to the market. To obtain more information on affiliate marketing and to find out how to be successful in affiliate marketing please visit |