If you are interested in making extra cash online, finding niche markets is something you must come in terms with. So, what are niche markets anyway and why is it so important?
A niche market is that fraction of the market a specific product is focused on. They are the audience whose needs you cater for. It is important you serve this people. You get paid according to the perceived value you provide (your service) to the marketplace or your niche market. In other words, your income is determined how much your niche market appreciates the solution you provide for their needs.
It means if you don't do anything for them, you don't get paid. We all like to get paid to get paid and this is why we must serve niche markets.
Now, there are exceptions. You can get paid one -off but no one would keep paying if they don't get something in return. This is why it is important to add value to the people you are serving.
As Zig Ziglar once said "If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want ".
Helping people get what they want is what I mean by serving.
So, find a group of people you can serve and deliver your value to them in exchange for money
Now, that we shed a little more light on niches, here are three steps to help you find your niche markets
1. Amazon: Amazon is one of the world biggest market place and can help you in your niche research if you know how to use it. i am going to show how Amazon can tell you what the best sellers are. Here is some direction:
Go to Amazon.com --->Click on the Feature and Service Tab ---->Click on Amazon Exclusive ---->Click on Amazon bestsellers
Now you know what the best selling products on Amazon When you click on best sellers, you see all the different categories to choose.
2. Visit a Store: Go To the magazine section of the nearest store next to you. Pick any magazine that interest you. People pay money to read the magazines. Each magazine is a niche market. Whatever magazine you pick is the niche you are interested in.
3. Go eBay: eBay can also assist you in your niche research. Type the key word of the niche you are interest in in eBay search tool. If it is on eBay, you can be rest assured that people want it and there is a market for it.